LiveChat on Qbis
Enhancing Customer and Employee Communication

LiveChat has become an essential tool for modern businesses, providing instant communication and support to both customers and employees. On Qbis, LiveChat is integrated as a powerful feature designed to streamline communication between HR teams, employees, and potential applicants, ensuring that questions are answered quickly, problems are resolved efficiently, and overall satisfaction is increased.

What is LiveChat on Qbis?

LiveChat is a real-time communication platform embedded within Qbis, enabling users to connect with HR personnel directly via the website. Whether it's an employee with a question about their payroll, a manager seeking help with recruitment, or a potential applicant inquiring about job openings, LiveChat provides instant access to the support they need. The system is designed to be user-friendly and accessible, promoting easy and quick communication.

LiveChat on Qbis Enhancing Customer and Employee Communication

Key Features of LiveChat on Qbis

  1. Real-Time Communication

    LiveChat allows users to send and receive messages in real-time. This immediate response capability helps resolve issues faster than traditional communication methods such as email or phone calls. For HR teams, this means less time spent answering repetitive queries and more time focusing on strategic tasks. For employees, it means faster access to important information such as benefits, payroll, or leave requests.

  2. TMulti-User Support

    The LiveChat function on Qbis supports multiple users at once, ensuring that HR teams can handle multiple conversations simultaneously. This is particularly useful in larger organizations where employees or candidates may have multiple queries. With the ability to manage several chat windows, HR personnel can efficiently support a wide range of inquiries without delay.

  3. Chat History and Record Keeping

    One key feature of LiveChat is the ability to keep track of chat histories. This functionality ensures that HR staff can reference previous conversations, providing continuity in case an issue requires multiple interactions. Employees and applicants can also access their chat histories for reference, ensuring that they don't have to ask the same question twice. This feature is useful in maintaining a seamless support experience.

  4. Automated Responses and Chatbots

    Qbis's LiveChat system can be enhanced with chatbots, which are programmed to provide instant answers to frequently asked questions. This automation reduces the workload on HR teams, allowing them to focus on more complex issues. Automated responses can guide users through common problems, from resetting passwords to checking the status of a job application, freeing up human agents to handle more specific queries.

  5. Customization and Personalization

    The LiveChat interface can be customized to reflect the branding of the company, providing a professional and consistent experience for employees and job seekers. Additionally, HR teams can personalize responses based on user profiles, ensuring that the support provided is relevant and tailored to the individual's needs.

Benefits of LiveChat for Businesses

  • Improved Efficiency

    LiveChat enables HR teams to handle more inquiries in less time, leading to greater efficiency. By resolving issues quickly, businesses can avoid bottlenecks that slow down operations. Additionally, the ability to provide instant support reduces employee frustration and increases satisfaction.

  • Enhanced Employee Engagement

    Employees who feel heard and supported are more likely to be engaged and productive. LiveChat provides a direct line of communication to HR, ensuring that employees have access to the information they need when they need it. This increased engagement leads to higher employee retention rates and a more positive work environment.

  • Better Candidate Experience

    For job applicants, LiveChat offers a direct way to inquire about open positions, the application process, or company culture. Quick responses to their questions can make a positive impression, leading to higher chances of attracting top talent. The personalized nature of LiveChat also allows businesses to build stronger relationships with potential employees

LiveChat on Qbis is an invaluable tool that enhances communication between HR teams, employees, and job applicants. By offering real-time responses, multi-user support, and automation options, Qbis ensures that all queries are addressed quickly and efficiently. For businesses, LiveChat improves operational efficiency, employee engagement, and the overall experience for both staff and candidates. It's a feature that modern businesses can't afford to overlook in today's fast-paced work environment.